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A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us during Slow November
—whether by participating in our giveaway and sharing your inspiring intentions for 2025, or simply taking a moment to connect with us. Your engagement has made Slow November truly special and meaningful to us.

In a world that moves so fast, it’s been incredible to slow down together and focus on what matters most.

As we move into December—a month that often feels busy and overwhelming—we hope the spirit of Slow November stays with you.
Let it remind you to pause, prioritize what truly matters, and create moments of calm amidst the rush.

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Below, we’ve gathered a selection of the thoughtful and inspiring intentions shared by our giveaway participants.

These reflections are a beautiful reminder of the power of setting meaningful goals, embracing balance, and cherishing the little things.

  • At få mere ro på mit liv
  • At skrive dagbog og finde det gode i livet hver dag selvom det ind imellem kan være svært når man har haft sclerose i mere end 20 år.
  • Jeg vil gerne have mere tid til fordybelse i 2025 og forsøge bevidst at planlægge stunder, hvor jeg læser fagbøger eller øver mig på noget, jeg gerne vil være bedre til.
  • Mine intentioner for 2025 er at skabe flere minder med mine tætte samt lytte mere på mig selv.
  • I would like to set an intention to continue my morning pages ad expand my knowledge of my art practice
  • Jeg vil tage mig tid til at skrive dagbog og kalender
  • I want to embrace the outdoor life more
  • Lots of stuff! I would really love to do a stationery-related event in Scandinavia and find more of stationery friends. Also visiting your store is another gaol to do next year (or by the end of this year?) Your products are very beautiful and I love its quality.
  • More self-care and patience for everyone around me :)
  • At arbejde med mit indre jeg, blive bedre til at sige fra og tro på, at jeg er god nok præcis som jeg er, som mor og som partner.
  • Og at skabe masser af minder med min familie og skønne veninder ❤️
  • Mål for 2025: at være glad, lidt barnlig og taknemmelig for alle de små glæder i livet 😍
  • Mine intentioner for 2025 er at bruge mere tid og energi på mit mentale velvære. Det er bl.a. gennem metakognitive øvelser og meditation, for at få mere luft og frihed i hovedet.
  • I would like to be more gentle to myself and get to know my worth and start acting accordingly. No more pleasing people who does not care about me and treat me badly…
  • In 2025 I want to fill my days with more joy, peace, love and connection, and to explore what really makes me happy while also caring for the world around me.
  • To be even more organised. I do not like digital calendars but I love yours ❤️
  • Jeg vil få klarlagt mål og rammer for hvordan jeg kan starte selvstændig virksomhed ud fra min passion og fritidsinteresse
  • Mine intentioner for 2025 er at få sundere vaner, så jeg kan få mere energi og få det bedre. Udover det, vil jeg gerne blive bedre til at stresse mindre, formindske min skærmtid og fordybe mig mere.
  • Min intention er, at blive bedre til at gøre noget unyttigt og at holde pauser. Forsøge ikke altid at være effektiv. Jeg vil blive bedre til at skrive det i min kalender - ligesom alle andre aftaler - så jeg får det gjort.
  • At arbejde med mit indre jeg, blive bedre til at sige fra og tro på, at jeg er god nok præcis som jeg er, som mor og som partner.
  • Og at skabe masser af minder med min familie og skønne veninder ❤️
  • Jeg vil bare gerne blive rigtig glad igen og fokusere på de mange positive stunder en ganske almindelig hverdag kan give og blive inspireret heraf, til min nye tilværelse som hobby kunstner og førtidspensionist.
  • Nærvær og tid med mine børn. Læste et sted at når børn er 12år så har man brugt 75% af den tid, som man får med dem. Hell no! - så vil finder lommer af tid til mine tre børn med dem (individuelt) og lade dem mærke at selv om 2 af dem er over 12, så har vi stadig masser af tid foran os❤️
  • Mine intentioner for 2025 er at være mere til stede i nuet og fordybe mig i det, der giver mig energi og ro.
  • For 2025 I want to focus on the things that bring me joy and include them in my day to day life. I want to spend more time cycling through the woods and coastlines, I want to explore Copenhagen more. But most importantly I want to enjoy my time more and stop more often to just be happy.
  • Mine intensioner er bla. at bruge den som dagbog, skrive hver dag om min dag. Tracke mit helbred og løb.
  • My intentions for 2025 are to spend more time with people that bring me good energy and spend more time doing things that make me happy.
  • My main intention for 2025 is to embrace where I am in life and get back to appreciating the daily little moments and miracles. It's so easy to forget about that! Thankfully, people still have journals to keep them the company on this gratitude road.
  • My word for last year was ease, as I hoped to move with more lightness and ease through the first year of motherhood.
  • Next year, I hope to ground myself and find security in my own abilities. Make time for myself and grow strong roots to hold me when life is tough.
  • Mere ro…. Med fuldtidsjob, barnebarn, hund og desværre alt for mange læge og hospitals aftaler, er en kalender et vigtigt redskab. Ud af hovedet og ned i kalenderen skaber ro og giver mig rum til mere nærvær
  • Mine intentioner er at forsøge ikke at have dårlig samvittighed over ikke at kunne være til stede alle steder altid og at starte med at investere til min pension.
  • Jeg vil gerne skabe tid til fordybelse, kreative projekter og kvalitetstid med de vigtige personer i mit liv.
  • I just got laid off from my job. So my intentions for the rest of 2024 is to get back to my good workout and mental health  routine AND THEN continue it into 2025 🤎
  • My intention for 2025 is not to be stuck but to find my path and travel on it proudly. I am sure it will turn into a year of joy when I do that.
  • My intentions are to slow down. I live my life but do I really experience it, feel it? Sometimes I catch myself going through the day like a rocket - trying to excel at work at the same time being the best version of myself at home, finding time not only for home errands but also for ‘me time’ that in those stressful days nearly feels like another task on my to do list.
  • I hope 2025 brings more peace to my life. And maybe that would mean I have to rethink what is really important, and what I truly care about. I am however ready to take that step and reprioritise.
  • To be more present, spend more quality time with family and friends.

    Getting back to a good routine and consistency in all areas of my life.
  • My intentions are to dream big and make it happen. I deserve good and I can make that “good” for myself. Took the leap from a “safe” job to an uncertain but out-of-this-world exciting adventure with my own business. I am brave, I am thriving but please help me keep my planning and creativity in order ❤️
  • In 2025, my goal is to live by the Danish principle of samfundssind, prioritizing community well-being and responsible growth. I aim to make a positive impact in both my career and society, with a focus on sustainability and mindful choices. By embracing these values, I hope to contribute to a culture of respect, balance, and shared responsibility.

We hope these intentions inspire you to reflect on your own hopes and goals for 2025.

As you plan for the year ahead, our 2025 Notebook Calendar is here to guide you—offering a thoughtful space to set your intentions, reflect on your journey, and stay connected to what truly matters. Let’s carry the essence of Slow November into the new year, fostering a community of mindfulness and purpose.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we’re creating room for calm, focus, and meaningful connection.

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